All posts by Admin

Collection of vehicle parts

Why should I purchase genuine Honda parts for my vehicle in St. John’s?

Genuine Honda parts benefits and maintenance in St. John’s 

Why should you purchase genuine Honda parts for your vehicle in St. John’s? There are plenty of great benefits to genuine Honda parts, one of them being that you can get them locally right here at Steele Honda. Keep reading below to learn about genuine Honda parts benefits and maintenance in St. John’s, NL. 

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Car maintenance for winter

When should I equip my Honda vehicle with winter tires in St. John’s, NL?

Benefits of switching your vehicle to winter tires in St. John’s, NL 

When should you equip your Honda vehicle with winter tires in St. John’s, NL? It is a good idea to get winter tires on your vehicle as soon as you see snow in the weekly forecast. Below, we have more information on swapping out your summer or all-season tires for winter tires here at Steele Honda. 

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Sending destination to navigation system through HondaLink

How to send a destination to your Honda vehicle’s navigation system from your phone

Video guide to using your Honda navigation system 

Your smartphone can help you access several convenient functions of your Honda vehicle, such as being able to directly send a destination to your navigation system. This means that when you find a place you want to go on your phone, you can easily get directions from your car. Watch the video guide below to learn how to send a destination to your Honda vehicle’s navigation system from your phone. 

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Front view of a 2020 Honda Fit

What paint colour options are available on the 2020 Fit

2020 Honda Fit exterior colour options

If you are looking for a fun compact hatchback, then the Honda Fit may just be your ideal choice. It has a ton of features, safety options, and efficiency. You know what else it has? A lot of colour options. We have a full image gallery of all the 2020 Honda Fit exterior colour options. We will also talk about extra-cost colour options, interior material options, and more.

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Two technicians removing old oil from a vehicle

Honda Oil and Filter Change special available in St. John’s, NL

What car service specials are available in St. John’s in August 2020? 

When’s the last time that you checked your vehicle’s oil? Here’s your reminder to do so today. Generally, you should be getting one to two oil changes per year, sometimes more depending on the amount you drive. The good news is that we currently have a Honda oil and filter change special available in St. John’s, NL here at Steele Honda. 

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A man walking towards a Honda car

Honda commercials featuring Team Liquid

What commercials were Team Liquid in with Honda? 

Did you know that Honda has partnered with members of Team Liquid for advertising in the past? Below, you can view four Honda commercials featuring Team Liquid, including the previous Team Liquid League of Legends player DoubleliftWhile some have moved on to other professional E-sport teams, all of the gamers below were once starring players on your favorite team. 

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Calibrating the Tire Pressure Monitoring System in a Honda

How to calibrate an Indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring System in a Honda vehicle

Video guides for calibrating your Honda vehicle’s Indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring System 

If your Honda vehicle has a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), you may need to calibrate it from time to time. There is good news. This process is simple and can be learned with a quick video guide. Below, we have three video guides for how to calibrate an Indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring System in a Honda vehicle. 

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