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A 2020 Honda Ridgeline speeding on a road

2020 Honda Ridgeline Audio System and Convenience Technology

What technology features does the 2020 Honda Ridgeline have to offer? 

The 2020 Honda Ridgeline has many cool technology features, but we’ve narrowed it down to the top six below. These six technology features will make your life easier and make your audio experience greater. Keep reading to learn about the 2020 Honda Ridgeline audio system and convenience technology. 

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Replacing the brakes in a vehicle

How to schedule a Honda maintenance appointment online in St. John’s, NL

Schedule vehicle maintenance with Steele Honda on our website 

Honda makes it easy to schedule service online. The two video guides below show you how to schedule a Honda maintenance appointment online in St. John’s, NL. You can also schedule a service appointment right here on our website. Simply select “Schedule Service” from the “Service” drop-down menu at the top of our website and submit the form. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 

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A technician rolling a new tire for replacement

When should I switch my Honda vehicle to summer tires in St. John’s, NL?

Summer tires and all-season tires explained 

With the weather warming up, you may be wondering when exactly a good time is to switch your Honda vehicle from winter tires to summer tires. On the other hand, you may be considering all-season tires. We want to explain the difference to you and help you decide when to make the switch. Read on below to learn about changing out your tires in St. John’s, NL. 

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The flat tire of a vehicle

Is a flat tire on my Honda vehicle covered by my warranty?

Flat tire warranty information for a Honda vehicle 

Nothing is more frustrating than getting a flat tire. Often, you can change out your flat tire for a spare that comes with your vehicle, but the spare tire is only a temporary fix. We don’t want you to be stranded, so read on below to learn about your options and whether your Honda tire is covered by a warranty. 

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