Benefits of switching your vehicle to winter tires in St. John’s, NL
When should you equip your Honda vehicle with winter tires in St. John’s, NL? It is a good idea to get winter tires on your vehicle as soon as you see snow in the weekly forecast. Below, we have more information on swapping out your summer or all-season tires for winter tires here at Steele Honda.
Can I legally drive without winter tires in St. John’s?
In the Newfoundland and Labrador region, it is important to know that you can be removed from the road or fined for driving in snow or ice without winter tires or tire chains. While many people might get away with having summer or all-season tires during the winter, this is not a regulation that you should try to skip on. Having winter tires will keep you and everyone else on the roads around you safer.

What are the benefits of switching to winter tires this year?
Winter tires are properly shaped to handle driving over ice and snow. Summer and all-season tires are not as optimal for these weather conditions. Switching to winter tires gets you more traction, which means that you will have greater control over your vehicle.
What months are winter tires recommended for in St. John’s, NL?
Winter weather can vary from year to year, but we recommend having winter tires installed on your vehicle from November 1st through April 30th. We would love to see you here at Steele Honda sometime this October to switch out your vehicle’s current tires for a set of winter tires. Driving without winter tires during that time frame could result in up to $400 in fines.
What should I do with my winter tires after winter ends?
You can get rid of your winter tires after winter ends, or you can store them to be used for another year. The choice is up to you, just make sure to check the wear and tear on your tires regularly. You’ll want to swap to summer or all-season tires at that time.